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  • Japan Hong Kong Democracy Alliance

日本は民主の最前線に 香港デモ4周年 デモ

昨日、日本香港民主連盟は、Act with HK 、 Stand with HK at JPN 、 Lady Liberty HK 香港民主女神 (デザイン: DDDDDHK )と共同で、東京の渋谷で行われた香港人のための6月12日四周年デモを開催しました。


このデモには150人が参加しでいましたが、雨に打たれた渋谷の街で香港人の民主主義への決意を日本の人々や訪れる外国人に見せることができました。海外に散らばっている状況でも、日本にいる香港人を結集し、香港の民主化運動を支持する様々な友好的な日本人からの支持を集めたいと考えています。共に中国共産党の暴虐行為に対する意識を高める努力を続けましょう。これは香港だけでなく、日本や世界全体に影響を与えるものです。 日本各地にいる香港の人々へ、香港の民主化に向けて共に働き、より多くの貢献をしましょう。

[June 12th Four-Year Anniversary March for Hong Kong People in Japan]

Yesterday, the Japan Hong Kong Democracy Alliance, along with Stand with HK at JPN, Act with HK, and Lady Liberty HK, jointly organized the June 12th Four-Year Anniversary March for Hong Kong people in Tokyo's Shibuya.

As the only Asian country in the G7 and the current chair of the group, as well as a major country in the First Island Chain, Japan holds an important position in the geopolitical landscape against China. Therefore, the theme of our march is to convey this message and raise greater awareness among the Japanese people about the crisis of democracy in Hong Kong and the threats posed by China.

Although only 150 people participated in this march, we were able to show the determination of Hong Kong people in pursuit of democracy on the rain-soaked streets of Shibuya, Tokyo, for the Japanese people and foreign visitors to see.

Despite being scattered abroad, we want to continue to unite Hong Kong people in Japan and gather support from various friendly Japanese parties who stand with the Hong Kong democracy movement. Together, let us continue our efforts to raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities, which not only affect Hong Kong but also Japan and the world at large.

To all Hong Kong people in various parts of Japan, let us work together and contribute more to the democracy of Hong Kong.

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